Milo Tamez
3 min readFeb 13, 2021


Drumming Is All About Living. A Percussive Architecture Of Its Own

We all drumming before birth. Our first drumming experiencing started without knowing it within our Mother´s womb. Moving our unknown bodies dancing in the amniotic dark warm ocean, by biologically sensing Her, and while her pulsating heartbeat “playing” to our still forming body and senses, we turn into becoming our own heartbeat marching as a self conscious living life. Living life in its pure bodily state is about drumming and timing, to be on the beat is to be aware of living the life we are really living-inhabiting; trying to moving and changing within the diverse metricity of the World´s large polyphony makes us distract from the source, often stiffening our bodies and existence mobility. Our root-origin is the Root-Origin from the geography perimeter we born in; for some is Africa, for others Asia; for others like me is México. At a larger scale, the source is the same. But the truth is that at a planetary scale, geography is a key factor for our specific constitution and planetary embodied gifts, based in altitude, minerals, clima, and the constant positioning to the Sun and the Moon. It is all in all a potent metabolic machinery that organizes itself over and over.

An atomic and circadian clock organizing the living rhythms that sustain and surround our existence. Humans we dream on dreamt dreams and from the conditioning of seeing passing life through the window of the Past looking blindly into the Future. A Future we already inhabited in that precise living Present where we experience with our senses the existence we are. We naively do believe about education to be the force supporting the terrestrial evolution of humanity while staying insensitive to humanity as a planetary inhabitant of the terrestrial territory, missing the formatting and imprinting we inherited into our identities according to the meridians and strategically precise order the Solar System designed for us to be in the moment of birth, evolving and passing on the Percussive Thought. Drumming has been beating among walking Homo since the beginnings of the Specie. Drumming speaks the Gods messages through the primitive Men consciousness, and still does among the men we all know today; but lets say, it was not the beating of the skin but the skin beating life before men was brought fort to the world. It has been Women, the Mother, the Nature force of Gravity and Creation, whose drumming taught men the path of the drum. As in bushido is the mother who form the war spirit in the child future samurai. We beat the world when birth and we beat it again when dead; when our last heartbeat hit life. We beat the drum to war and we drum to funeral path; we drum to entertain people as we do it to therapy ill people. Timing is within every single human being on the planet as it is within all the species from where we humans inherited most of what constitute our animal experience and is determined by the biological constitution of every one. We drummers simply know this exist and so we practice it, or we lost our purpose of being.

